The quart[1] is a unit of volume (for either the imperial or US customary unit of measure) equal to a quarter of a gallon, two pints, or four cups. Since gallons of various sizes have historically been in use, quarts of various sizes have also existed; see gallon for further discussion. Three of these kinds of quarts remain in current use, all approximately equal to one litre.
[edit] Definitions and Equivalencies
- United States liquid quart
- All traditional U.S. length and volume measures have been legally standardized for commerce using the definition of 1 yard being exactly equal to 0.9144 meter. From this definition is derived the metric equivalencies for inches, feet, and miles; as well as area measures; and measures of volume. The US liquid quart equals 57.75 cubic inches, which is exactly equal to 0.946352946 litres.[2][3]
1 US liquid quart | = | 1/4 | US liquid gallons |
= | 2 | US liquid pints | |
= | 4 | US liquid cups | |
= | 32 | US fluid ounces | |
= | 57.75 | cubic inches[4] | |
= | 0.946352946 | litres[3][5] | |
≈ | 33.307 | imperial fluid ounces |
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